I remember when the recession hit in 2008. 

I was a full-time stay-at-home mom to 16 month old twins.

I'd just quit weddings and was trying to launch a new business as a studio newborn and family photographer.

Just when everything seemed to be falling apart, there I was, trying to start something new.

It was hard and it was scary, but I made it.  And this is what that experience taught me.  

We all have a choice about how we’re going to react in hard times.

We can let the fear and uncertainty freeze us in our tracks and kill our dreams.

Or we can look for the silver lining.

When the economy tanked back in 2008, I chose to use the slowness to learn and grow.

That is when I started studying branding and marketing.

That is when I crafted the vision for my business.

That is when I looked for the holes in my photography knowledge and started to take steps to plug them.

I choose to show up instead of hide.

The result?

When the recession ended, my business was stronger than it was before.  And I was stronger too.

Listen, I know it’s scary right now.

I’m writing this to you from Seattle, a.k.a the epicenter of the U.S. Covid-19 outbreak.  But instead of freaking out and obsessively watching CNN all day, I’m going to use this time to work, grow and get better at what I do.

I encourage you to do the same.

Review your website.

Update your portfolio.

Get caught up on blogging.

Learn a new skill.

Just be productive!

I have NO doubt that we will all get through this, and when we do, make sure you and your business have more skills and more resources than you did before it all started.

Remember, you have a choice.  You can hide or you can show up and do the work.

I hope you choose to do the work.⁠

Now, go wash your hands!⁠


Can you take your lighting set up on location? Hear how New York City photographer Jaine Kershner does it in her business!


How Much Space Do You Need to Work With Strobes and Flash?