Metering 101: Light Metering for Midtones, Highlights, and Shadows

Everyone has questions and opinions when it comes to metering. In fact, I get several questions a week about it!

So, let’s talk light metering! And if you’re more of a visual learner, scroll all the way down for the video explanation of metering.

Meter with your bulb out

I always meter with the bulb out. Some photographers suggest metering with your bulb in so that it doesn’t pick up the ambient light. But for the way that I meter, I want to get a reading that includes ambient light as well, so I meter with my bulb out.

How to meter for the midtones

Metering for your midtones means that you want to make sure there is an even distribution of light hitting your subject/light meter. I simply place the light meter directly in front of my subject at a 90-degree angle to me, which means it’s about at a 45-degree angle to my light source. This means that it’s getting an even reading of the light.

How to meter for the highlights

For digital photographers, I recommend metering for your highlights. To do this, put your light meter in front of your subject and instead of facing it directly towards you, face it towards the light. This will get an accurate reading for the brightest part of your image to make sure you don’t blow the highlights or get a hot spot on your image.

How to meter for the shadows

To meter for your shadows, which is what I recommend for film shooters, take your light meter and face it away from your light. Your light meter should still be in front of your subject, but the bulb should be facing into the shadows, or the darkest part of your image. This will ensure that the shadows are properly exposed and your negative will have the proper density.

Ready to take your light metering knowledge to the next level?

Grab a copy of my free ebook, “Crafting Your Ideal Light” today!


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