Is It Healthy Inspiration or Toxic Competition?

Healthy inspiration vs. toxic competition is something we all struggle with, and yet no one talks about it!

Healthy inspiration is when we are moved by what someone else is doing and are inspired to create something equally as beautiful. Toxic competition is not healthy. It can damage our confidence, brands and businesses.


Toxic competition and healthy inspiration can start the same way.

We'll see something beautiful or interesting, and it sparks something in us. If it is toxic competition, then what that sparks is fear-based. It makes us doubt or feel bad about what we do and what we have to offer. This can often lead to the should trap.

The should trap is the #1 mistake photographers make in their businesses. This is when they get sucked into doing what they think they should be doing instead of what actually lights them up.

When you doubt what you do, you lose sight of your voice. If you really want to build a profitable business and solid brand, you must figure out what you do. It sounds simple, but it isn't always easy.

For me, I started noticing and acknowledging when I was falling into the should trap. Once I realized that was what I was doing, I made the conscious decision to stop. I put on blinders, stopped looking at other people's work and pricing and I focused like a laser on what I loved.

How can you tell if you are in a place of healthy inspiration or toxic competition?

Pay attention to how you feel and listen to your gut. When you are scrolling on social media, how does it make you feel? Excited and empowered? Or confused and competitive?

If you find yourself in a place of toxic competition, put on your blinders and focus on you, your brand and your business.



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