The Branding Series #4 - The Power of the Brand Evangelist

One of the important parts of brand building has to do with not only being seen by potential clients, but converting to potential clients into real clients. From there, those real clients become raving fans, or what's known in the marketing world as “brand evangelists”.


What is a brand evangelist?

Brand Evangelists are clients who absolutely LOVE you. They love your work, you, and everything about the experience of working with you.

Brand evangelist will promote you and your business without even needing to be asked! They are the people who post about how great it was working with you and will share their experience with all of their friends.

Having these kinds of fans promote your business is really important from a marketing perspective, because people trust other people more than they trust businesses. Having real life people singing your praises is the best marketing you could hope for! Turning clients into brand evangelists has EVERYTHING to do with the strength of your brand.

Being unique and instantly recognizable will get their attention and bring them to you.

Being trustworthy and consistent will keep them around for YEARS and turn them into your biggest fans!

The next step is ensuring your brand is trustworthy. To build a trustworthy brand, you need to make sure that you are able to consistently deliver your brand promise to every single person who steps in front of your camera, regardless of time of year, situation, and available light in the room.

This means that the clients who come to you on a dark, rainy day need to get the same quality of product and experience as clients who come to you on a bright, beautiful day. That is how you build a trustworthy brand.


Look at the photo you chose to represent your brand in Episode 33. Look at the quality, and then ask yourself if you could deliver something that is equally on-brand if you were in a less than perfect situation. Can you fulfill your brand promise under less than perfect conditions?



The Branding Series #5 - Consistency is Key


The Branding Series #3 - How to Stand Out in a Saturated Market