What Every Photographer Needs to Know about Creating a Successful Business in 2023

Over the past few weeks, I've shared the questions I ask myself every year to help set myself up for success in the new year. I'm a believer in planning! If you want a successful, profitable year, you have to plan it! This starts with asking the questions on the podcast this month.

So far, I've ask you "what?". What do you want? What are your goals? I asked you to write them down!

Then I asked "why?". Why do you want what you want? Why do you want to be a photographer? Why do you want to turn your photography into a business?

Next, I asked "who?". Who do you need to be to reach your goals this year? So much of business is mindset, so setting the intention now for how you are going to show up in your business is not only helpful—it's essential!

As we all know, the last few of years have been hard to say the least. Covid and its ripple effects have impacted the entire world, and we're still feeling them. Many of our business plans and life plans were changed or put on hold. We’ve been in a constant state of flux. There have been and still are supply chain issues. It has effected our emotions, interactions and the economy.

Personally, I feel that in some weird way, all the uncertainty has given us an opportunity to get crystal clear on what is important in our lives. I know it has for me! My why is stronger than ever, and if you are still here wanting to start or grow a photography business, then you probably have a really strong why too.

That also tells me that you have an empowered mindset! You know what you want. You know why you want it, and you're ready to show up with the frame of mind to make it happen.

Now that we know what it is you want, why you want it, and who you need to be and how you need to show up to make it happen, I want to ask you "when?".



When are you going to take the action needed to start making your goals and dreams your reality?

And again, this is an important question for you to ask yourself in regards to planning out your business this year. When do you want to start? Right now, today? Later in the year?

Why is this important to know? Business, and marketing in particular, is a marathon—not a sprint. The work you put in now will start paying off three months from now. So, if you want a busy spring and summer and fall, your marketing needs to start in Q1.

If you are waiting for the perfect time to do this work, it will never come. You will always have your life to live and other things pulling you in all directions. You will always have distractions and self doubt. I'm 24 years in and still struggle with imposter syndrome from time to time.

The "I don't have time to do this yet" story that we tell ourselves is really just fear talking. Putting in the effort to market yourself can feel really scary, because what if you fail? If you don't start, you'll never know. Time will go by and you'll most likely find yourself stuck in the exact same place you are right now next year. I don’t want that for you!

You know what you want, why you want it, and you are choosing to show up with the right frame of mind to make it happen. Now you just need to decide when you are going to start! What is the date that you'll set for yourself to begin to actively work on a marketing plan that will help you reach your goals?

Choose a date. If you've decided that your "when" is right now, then I invite you to sign up for my free, 30-minute training called The Modern Marketing Method!



How Stand out in the Competitive Photography Market Without Having to Pay for Ads, Hustle, or Do Work You Hate!


The #1 Mindset Shift That Every Photographer Needs as They Build Their Business This Year