When I was a little girl, the Wizard of Oz was my favorite movie. ⁠

I loved the sets and the songs and the dancing. ⁠

It was pretty and fun.⁠

As an adult, however, I find myself thinking of the story and of Dorothy in particular, in a different light. ⁠

She spends most of the movie timid and scared. We see moments of bravery from her, but she doesn't see it in herself. ⁠

It's not until the very end, when The Good Witch says, "You've had the power all along my dear", that she realizes what she's capable of and decided to do what she's wanted to do the entire time.⁠

She makes a choice. And she goes home.⁠

"You've had the power all along my dear".... how many of us need to have that whispered in our ears from time to time? 🙋 ⁠

The truth is, we all have the power...⁠

The power to learn a new skill.⁠

The power to create the photos we want to create.⁠

The power to build the businesses we want to build.⁠

It's all possible. ⁠

We just have to believe that we can.⁠

So today I am here to be your Glinda, The Good Witch, and to tell you that you can do whatever you want. ⁠

YOU'VE had the power all along my dear. ⁠

Step into it! ⁠

Start building the business of your dreams TODAY! Download my FREE eBook below.


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