How To PERFECT Your Lighting Skills During COVID-19

Raise your hand if you've had to cancel or reschedule your session because of this scary virus? πŸ™‹β€β™€οΈβ 
Me too.⁠
It's sad and scary. I've shed more than a few tears over it.⁠
But this is what I know.⁠
When all of this is over.⁠
Those families will be back.⁠
How do I know this?⁠
Because despite what's going on in the world, babies are still being born.⁠
Those babies are smiling for the first time.⁠
They are learning to sit and stand and walk.⁠
Those moments still matter. And those families still want it captured.⁠
I have no doubt that when things go back to normal, families will be looking to get in front of our cameras right away!⁠
So, in other words... we should all be getting ready!⁠
Listen, when clients start booking again, you want to make sure you are in a position to say yes to each and every inquiry that comes your way! ⁠
The LAST thing you will want to do is cancel or reschedule due to bad weather, a dark day or a request for a late afternoon session time. ⁠
And that means that now is the PERFECT time to perfect your lighting skills!⁠
Let me help!⁠
πŸ‘‰Download my FREE guide to getting started with strobes and flash.⁠
Time to start planning for the future! Oh... and the baby boom that's coming our way!! πŸ‘ΆπŸ»


Why I Wrote My Book on Lighting


Let Go of Labels and Invest in Your Craft