Let Go of Labels and Invest in Your Craft

Isn't it funny how our perceptions of ourselves can change over time?⁠

For the first half of my career, I would tell my clients (and myself) that I was a natural light photographer exclusively. ⁠

I was SO invested in that label. But what I now know is when I would say "I'm a natural light photographer" I was really saying "I'm scared" "I don't know how to do anything else" and "what if I try and fail".⁠

Now I just see myself as a photographer... no label required. ⁠

If I'm in a room with great natural light, not a problem... I know how to work with that. And if I'm in a room with horrible light, or even no light at all... well, also not a problem, I can work with that too.⁠

Letting go of the labels and just investing the time to get really good at my craft transformed my confidence and my career. ⁠

If I could go back in time, I would tell myself to stop making it so hard. Stop surrendering to the fear and self doubt. Stop clinging to the labels. ⁠

Life is too short for all of that anyway.⁠

I want to say the same to you.⁠

Are you clinging to labels and beliefs that are holding you back? If so, I'm challenging you to let them go... ⁠

And if you are ready to tackle something new, I’d like to invite you to sign up for my FREE webinar. In it I share the 3 myths that hold so many photographers back in their work and business, as well as my simple framework for creating natural looking light with strobes and flash.

Follow this link to sign up. And I’ll see you inside!


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