Planning the Best Year EVER!

I believe in routines

If you have ever taken a class from me, you will know how important I believe having a solid routine is for your workflow. 

When you have a routine you know what will come next.  You know what poses to use.  You know how to direct your clients.  And because of all those things your sessions run smoother, you feel in control and your clients feel at ease.  

Lately I've been thinking that this idea of having a solid routine applies to business as well and, in fact, I've been using the same routine for my business for years!

When you have a plan and know what is coming next the guess work is removed.  You feel more confident.  And that confidence overflows into all aspects of your work.

My routine for a successful portrait business

Every year there are things I do in the first quarter and the second, and so on throughout the year.  I have a plan that builds on itself, helps me stay focused and helps my business to succeed year after year.

And I want to share it with you!

Starting in January I'll be starting a series that shares what I do in my own business month by month.  Everything from website optimization to scheduling blog posts to posing, marketing, mini sessions and more.  I'm going to share exactly what I do to build and maintain my six figure portrait business.  And here is the best part... I'm going to share all of this information for FREE!!

If that sounds like something that you would find helpful all you need to do is sign up for my newsletter list.  Once you are on the list, you will receive a monthly newsletter from me (starting in January) that will walk you through the exact schedule I set for myself every year!  

Sound good?  Sign up here!  And lets make 2018 the best year ever!!!



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