Letting Go of the "Shoulds"

It is so important to find clarity in what it is that YOU do and let go of the "shoulds". This is what we talk all about in this episode!


The magic happens when you let go of the "shoulds".

Early in my career, it was popular to be a photo documentarian. I felt the need to follow that style, even though I loved the traditional, studio look. On Instagram now, it is really popular to do lifestyle family photography or really posed newborn photography—both things I don't really do.

In the beginning of my photography career though, I spent a lot of time chasing trends. I felt so burnt out on doing everything I thought I should be doing. This led to me almost quitting photography for good in 2007. I dreaded picking up my camera and doing my work.

I realized I could either quit or come back to my truth and my vision. I decided to stop chasing trends and looking at other people's work. Choosing to focus like a laser on what I did changed everything for me. I embraced being a studio photographer in the way I wanted to. I developed my own unique style and learned how to create natural looking light.

This look helped me craft and build my business so that I was showing up in a way that worked for me and my family. I truly believe that deciding to focus on my unique expression enabled me to grow my business to where it is today. Getting that clarity is the secret to building a profitable photography business.


Are you ready to scale your photography business to six-figures?


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It's NOT about the Gear!